

L’isola di Procida è la più piccola del golfo di Napoli, da tempo incanta turisti da tutto il mondo grazie al suo splendido panorama caratterizzato dalle sue case multicolore, il mare e la vegetazione. Il rilievo più elevato è rappresentato dalla collina di Terra Murata (91 m), sovrastata da un borgo fortificato di origine medioevale, simbolo dell’isola che per secoli ha garantito la sicurezza dagli attacchi pirati. Raggiungendo la parte più alta dell'isola di Procida, visiteremo un edificio di grande valore culturale e storico, il Palazzo D'Avalos. Esso è un antico edificio del 1500 che prende il nome dalle possenti mura difensive a picco sul meraviglioso mare procidano. In questa parte dell’isola è possibile scattare foto d’autore ricordando la storia del carcere che ospitò alcuni dei personaggi che hanno contribuito alla storia moderna d’Italia . Inoltre visiteremo l’abazia di San Michele dedicata al santo patrono, un imponente complesso abbaziale che testimonia il ruolo che aveva in passato di centro religioso e culturale dell’isola. Esplorerete a piedi immergendovi nella natura tutto ciò che offre quest’ atmosfera unica.


我们的行程将从大码头港开始,爬向我们路线的最高点 Terra Murata 山。沿途您会经过色彩缤纷的房屋、古老的教堂和美丽的花园。
正如之前宣布的,我们将在导游的带领下参观前监狱达瓦洛斯宫 (Palazzo D'Avalos)。我们将穿过一个长长的入口大厅,由于它保持的寂静而令人不安,但当你进入时,一个似乎仍然悬浮的世界打开了:走廊的天花板很高,被大拱形窗户照亮,横梁仍然保持着结构坚固而坚固的铁格栅封闭了空间。还有大房间,囚犯的床和带有个人物品的小家具仍然位于其中。在导游的带领下,我们仍然留在岛上的海角,前往圣米歇尔修道院,参观修道院建筑群,我们将沿着中央中殿走到主祭坛,从这里我们将欣赏四幅那不勒斯画派的绘画可追溯到 1690 年,作者是画家尼古拉·鲁索 (Nicola Russo),他是更为著名的卢卡·乔尔达诺 (Luca Giordano) 的学生。特别重要的是描绘了保护普罗奇达岛的“圣米歇尔阿尔坎杰洛”的幽灵和奇迹的画布。
旅程的最后一站,在维瓦拉海滩(这是一个受保护的海洋区域,典型的因其路径沉浸在茂密的地中海植物群中而闻名,也因著名电影“Il Postino”而被人们铭记)的一家美味的当地餐厅停下来品尝著名的里奇奥意大利面。马西莫·特罗伊西)。体验包括免费午餐。










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来自 XXX 的 3 的 徒步:普罗奇达岛周围
889 评论
#66 of 908 things to do in Naples
评论日期 29 Nov 2023
Instagram Hype - avoid it.
We travelled to Procida in mid November 2023 from Pozzuoli harbour with the ordinary ferry. The return ticket was 18 EUR/person. The ferry trip was worth it (we even saw dolphins) - Procida not. To me it's an overestimated Insta hype about Procida due to the colourful houses along the sports boat harbour (the ferry arrives approx 10 mins walking distance away at a different harbour). First we climbed the hill in order to see the old fortress (partly a former prison, abandoned) and catch the famous view. This was actually nice. But that's all. We decided to walk across this little island. This was a bad choice - outside the main city you walk on streets without pavement chased by aggresively speeding cars and mopeds. There are many little gardens but you cannot see them because all streets are fenced in by massive walls or fences. The touristical infrastructure almost disappeared in November. You don't finde nice walkways; that's significantly different to Ischia or Capri nearby. Go there - avoid Procida. Procida is an island for owners not tourists. Hard to believe: after endless disappointing walks we returned to the harbour desparately waiting for the ferry in order to return to Pozzuoli. Never again Procida.
评论日期 14 Set 2023
Hidden gem
We had intended going to Capri from our cruise ship docked in Naples but after a pretty horrific visit to Portofino with huge crowds we decided on a less known island for our day trip. We were not disappointed. The ferry across was large, well air conditioned and relatively clean. The island itself was small yet with a homely feel. We just wandered around the town and shops, had a couple of drinks at local cafes and then some lunch before heading back.

A really good option to see an island without the crowds.
评论日期 02 Set 2023
Just beautiful and very relaxing
We were initially considering Capri, but this place looked beautiful and like Amalfi was 10 years ago, when we arrived at about 12pm it was lovely and quiet, after the frenetic energy of Naples we felt ourselves relax instantly. Off the SNAV we turned left and followed the harbour down until we reached a beach bar and a small quiet beach, with warm waters and views of other islands, mountains and Vesuvius. Sitting here with a nice breeze, we sank a couple of cold ones, very reasonably priced too. Not far away is a road you can take to get to the harbour on the other side, where all the famous picturesque shots are taken of the colourful town, if you head towards Palazzo d'Avalos, you get some breathtaking views, it is pretty steep but well worth it. It is better to take the steps down to the harbour near the left side (if facing it) as they are not as steep and have hand rails. Such a lovey place, we even considered staying a night as there were a few apartments and hotels available on booking.com, for about €70. Definitely worth a visit.
评论日期 15 Ago 2023
Picture-perfect island
A beautiful place, ideal for a taste of Italy. The marinas are breathtaking and it's fun exploring the little streets. Electric buses make it easy to get around or you can hire e-cars or e-bikes. Street traffic is a little chaotic at times, but all part of the atmosphere. Ciraccio beach is by far the best and the restaurants are great for seafood (if a little expensive by Italian standards.) We loved it.
评论日期 11 Lug 2023
Definitely worth it.
It was a very nice experience overall. The island and it's colorful house's was beautiful and the food was great. The ship from Pozzuoli was only 8-9€ and we went there by train from Naples. We went for a swim at the "Spiaggia Chiaia" which was suggested to us by the very helpful lady working in the info near the ticket issuance. Definitely worth the time.
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120 €