Being a MeTour Partner: Emotional Experiences and not Services

  18 Ott 2019 14:28

New Horizon of Tourism: From Commodities to Experiences

Tourism is, fortunately, an industry that returns continuously growing numbers, which, however, at the same time also sees a growth in the average tourist, who is increasingly informed and aware. Thinking, therefore, of being fascinated by the numbers without becoming aware of the fact that tourists today want to LIVE their holiday and not suffer it, would be a fatal mistake. Doing tourism until the end of the 90s meant preparing and offering services that were always up to par. But, with the advent of the internet, of greater culture, of in-depth programs, all this has changed. Today our tourists no longer ask for services, but experiences!! Perhaps still little recognized until now, the experiences have always been there, but they have always been grouped in the service sector, together with less exciting activities such as umbrella rental or Airport/Hotel transfers.
Cycle Tour - Photo by Fabricio Macedo FGMsp by Pixabay
Cycle Tour - Photo by Fabricio Macedo FGMsp by Pixabay

The Art of Transforming Services into Memorable Experiences

In purchasing a service, a person purchases a series of standardized activities, to accompany his holiday, which are carried out on his behalf by others, but without any exchange of emotions taking place. When, however, he buys an experience (particularly if it is unique), he pays for being able to spend time enjoying a series of memorable events staged as in a theatrical performance, which involve him on a personal level, which charge him emotionally, that transform it. A person will never remember the color or position of the umbrella, but he will never forget an experience that was well staged and that involved him in all his senses, that made him feel like a protagonist, cradling him in a river of passion.
A good experience is a SIGNIFICANT experience, preferably UNFORGETTABLE or even EXTRAORDINARY.

To be Extraordinary, it must bring all the senses of the Tourist into play, leveraging three spheres: the sensorial one, the emotional one, the memory one. If they grasp this objective, then they will be "Emotionally Extraordinary" because they will have also and above all transformed the individual. Tourists want to experience experiences, situations, contexts, territory, visits, walks, stories that touch their senses and their hearts, that stimulate their minds and open their memories!
carnival - Photo by Rosemary Ketchum from Pexels
carnival - Photo by Rosemary Ketchum from Pexels

Categories of Experiences: From Sensory to Interaction

Experiences always respond to at least one of these typologies:
- Sense Experiences (SENSES): are those multi-sensory experiences that involve all the tourist's senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.
- Feel Experiences : these are affective experiences which arouse in the Tourist moods, emotions and feelings of various nature and intensity, but nevertheless positive. This category could be included among those Experiences that tell real stories, that delve into people's memories and emotions, that tell of a past imbued with feelings and passion.
- Think Experiences (THINK): these are those Experiences that stimulate the Tourist's intellect, activating creative, cognitive and problem solving experiences
- Act Experiences (ACTION): these are those Experiences where the Tourist is the Protagonist, who LIVES the Experience and does not suffer it. These are those experiences, even sporting ones, such as diving or cycling.
- Relate Experiences: also includes the aspects of SENSE, FEEL, THINK and ACT. This experience connects the individual with a broad socio-cultural context, stimulating social relationships, but at the same time making him an absolute protagonist.
tour in segway - Photo by Republica da Pixabay
tour in segway - Photo by Republica da Pixabay

Your Passion, Our Stage: Offer Unique Experiences

If you are thinking, therefore, of offering an Experience, then do it in a big way, offer it by putting all your Passion into it, thinking, at the same time, how to Passionate your customer. Think about how to organize it, how to tell it, how to stage it, how to renew it by personalizing it according to the Traveler in front of you, but, above all, think about how to stimulate him, how to touch his feelings... and it is only in this way that you will guarantee that live an emotional experience that you will never forget!!

So are you ready to transform your passion into a tourist experience that leaves its mark? is the ideal stage for those who, like you, want to offer not only a service, but an adventure that will remain imprinted in the hearts of travellers. Sign up for free on and join our network of selected partners. Together, we can create the future of tourism: a mosaic of authentic, personalized and emotional experiences. It is not only an opportunity to grow professionally, but also the way to enrich the life of every tourist who chooses to live their holiday through your experiences. Become a partner of today: it's free, it's simple, and it opens the doors to a world of possibilities. Because every trip should be an unforgettable experience, and with, you can make it possible.